Monday, December 13, 2010

Peer Lesson: Oil Pastels creating Background, Middle Ground and Foreground

For this project we were to design our own snow globes. We used oil pastels and we were to incorporate a background, a middle ground and a foreground. We were allowed to create any scene we wanted as long as we followed the requirements. We were encouraged to blend the colors and incorporate elements and principles of design. I chose to use the mountains and the sky as my background. The smaller trees were my middle ground and the cabin and the large tree were my foreground. I used color, shape, lines, and balance as my elements and on my cabin I created texture.
Extension Activity:
I think this is just a fun activity that can be used at any time or holiday. Creating a snow globe, a thanksgiving scene, a Halloween scene or an Easter scene can easily be accomplished. I would just have the students focus on the elements and principles of design and continue to give them opportunities to practice.

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